Sunday, April 1, 2018


I made a piece for the SAQA competition "Metamorphosis".  My piece is titled "Metamorphic Rock".  Metamorphic rock can be formed by heat or pressure and it totally changes the look of the rock.  It most usually adds striations in layers.  This piece was made with commercial cottons and upholstery fabrics, all torn to give an organic look to the piece.  I then hand couched silver cord to the edges of the rock, free machine quilted circles in the open areas and quilted the background in straight lines which echoed the lines of the rock striations.  Next I used a silver Paint Stick on top of the quilted circles.  I had to add several layers of the Paint Stick, allowing it to dry between applications in order to cover the black background.  I did not make the cut for the competition, but hope to enter this piece into the Fiber Artists of Oklahoma (FAO) yearly competition. 
Here is a detail shot of the painted circles: